Thai food is internationally famous. Whether chili-hot or comparatively
bland, harmony is the guiding principle behind each dish.
Alone among all countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand has never been
colonized by any European or Asian power. Consequently, Thai cuisine is
something uniquely Thai.
The impression that Thai food is very sweet is wrong.
In general, we do add a little bit of sugar in our dishes to enhance the
flavor in place of MSG. There is an
exception for some dishes, such as curries, especially Green Curry. These curry dishes do require a little bit more sugar because
of stronger spices we put in. Thai Dishes you are going to experience at our restaurant are authentic
which are less sweet. However, we
are pleased to sweeten your dishes upon request.
Each dish is prepared on premises individually to your order.
The popular dishes are Pad Thai,
Pineapple Fried Rice, Seafood
Cave Man Chicken, Tamarind Duck,
Three-Flavored Fish, etc.
Currently, we have two branches: Boston and Auburn.
We don't use MSG.*
* All dishes are sautéed with 100% vegetable oil.*
reservation would be highly recommended for weekends.
will accommodate party, and we provide catering service.
Please fell free to ask us for more detail and
Updated: November 28, 2001
Designed and Photo by Chait